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Q & A with Mister Maker

Q: How did you become Mister Maker?

A: Mister Maker was created in 2007 by a company called the “The Foundation”; in the UK. After many auditions, I was chosen to be the man in the spotty waistcoat and since our first series, I’ve been able to get involved behind the camera as well as in front of it. I am one of the scriptwriters of the TV show and I have written the live theatre show too. It sounds a cliché, but being Mister Maker is my dream job. I always wanted to be a children’s television presenter – from an early age – and to be one now, on a show that encourages fun and creativity, is a dream come true.

Q: Have you always liked art and making things?

A: I have always loved making things and being creative. From a very young age. And now as a 39 year old big kid, I am no different. My house is covered in glitter, sticky tape and googly eyes…but I don’t mind, because arts and craft has become my life. Being Mister Maker is a fantastic job because when I’m not touring, I put my producer hat on and work on our next show, song or arty creation!

Mister Maker

Q: If you could only use one colour for your creations what would it be?

A: Blue – the colour of the shirts of my favourite soccer team in the UK – Gillingham – where I was born.

Q: What’s your favourite piece of art or creation that you have ever made?

A: The “Elephant Ears” I make in the live show are lots of fun and then we use them in an amusing way on stage with a grown-up volunteer! Grandads of Auckland…watch out…you might find yourself up on stage with Mister Maker 🙂

Q: Do you come up with all of the ideas for your TV shows?

A: I am part of a very small team that creates the TV show. We all pitch in ideas and help each other. We have a wonderful art team who are so passionate about making the best show we can and their ideas for the programme are always incredible.

Q: Do you really finish all of your 1 minute challenges in a minute?

A: So far the Minute Makes have always worked! We do them in the live show as well…where anything can happen!


Q: What do you do with everything you make?

A: We keep as much artwork as we can at the TV studio plus I take a lot home with me. I try to donate as much as possible to good causes and fans of the show.

Q: How many countries have you traveled too?

A: I have been a very lucky man with my travelling around the world. So far, I have performed live shows in Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa and Australia. We have also filmed in Brazil…and now I am getting to visit beautiful New Zealand!

Q: Is this the first time you will have been to New Zealand?

A: This is my first trip to New Zealand so I just can’t wait!!! I hope I have some time to explore. I also can’t wait to meet the Mini Makers and grown-ups at the Auckland shows. It is great meeting our valued audience around the world and seeing what they think about our programme. The two questions I probably get asked the most are”Where are the Shapes” and “How did you get out of the TV?”…

Q: What is your favourite part of the Live show?

A: We have a great theatre show for you – it is a big, bright, bold and happy live party, celebrating creativity and fun! It has art at its heart but also includes a lot of the things that make live theatre exciting – singing, dancing, audience interaction…and The Shapes!!! When the Shapes take to the stage, that is my favourite part of the show because the audience always makes lots of noise!

Q: If I want to grow up to be a Miss or Junior Mister Maker what is your advice?

A: Just have fun! Have a go at making something and I guarantee you will surprise yourself and be really proud of what you create.

I think the most important thing is to start collecting your own ‘doodle drawers’; of arty materials for a rainy day. This can be just an old shoe box that you fill up with materials that might be useful one day. Then of course, paper, glue and scissors are must-haves…but be careful, scissors are…? (Sharp!)

MISTER MAKER AND THE SHAPES are heading to the Bruce Mason Centre Auckland 8-10 July. For more information visit