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Mars 1001

Mars 10012019Fri30Aug7:00 pmStardome Observatory & PlanetariumAgesChildren (5 to 10 years),Preschoolers (3 to 5 years)TypeMovies,Science & TechWhereCentral Auckland OrganiserStardome Observatory and Plantetarium TagsEpsom events in Auckland,Planetarium Show

Event Details

Reporter Miles O’Brien reports live from his Space Headquarters TV Studio in New York while events unfold for the crew on their heroic 1001 days long mission. You’ll witness their brave attempts to put human footprints on Mars and return safety back home to Earth. Featuring a mix of live-action, advanced digital simulations and cutting-edge technology, you’ll embark on the greatest adventure of the 21st century and unlock the secrets of humanity’s next home.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for shows. Late entry into the planetarium is not possible once the show has started. 

Recommended for ages 6 years plus. Bookings are essential



Children $10
Adult $12
Senior and Students $10
Family 2 adults and up to 3 children $40


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Stardome Observatory and Plantetarium

Stardome and its team have been sharing a love of space from its premises in Auckland’s One Tree Hill Domain since 1967. A place of exploration, research and sharing of knowledge Stardome has been regularly open for public viewing evenings and daytime visits for school trips ever since.

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