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Packing for a Family Adventure in New Zealand: Essentials for Parents and Kids

Packing for a Family Adventure in New Zealand: Essentials for Parents and Kids

Swimming in Lake Wanaka

Are you getting ready for an unforgettable family adventure to New Zealand? We’ve got you covered with essential packing tips and must-haves to ensure your trip is a breeze. From versatile clothing to sun protection and entertainment for the kids, we’ve got all the essentials covered for your Kiwi journey.

1. Pack for New Zealand Weather: Be Ready for Any Season

New Zealand’s weather can be unpredictable, so be prepared for all seasons. Pack lightweight clothing for summer and layers for cooler evenings. Don’t forget rain jackets and sturdy walking shoes for those unexpected rain showers and impromptu hikes.

Summer Staples

New Zealand’s summer, which spans from December to February, brings warm and sunny days. Pack lightweight clothing, including shorts, t-shirts, and dresses. Don’t forget swimwear and sun hats for beach days, and, of course, sunscreen to protect your family from the Kiwi sun.

Layer Up for Spring and Autumn

Spring (September to November) and autumn (March to May) offer mild temperatures and colourful scenery. Layering is the key to staying comfortable as the temperature can change throughout the day. Consider long-sleeved shirts, light jackets, and a mix of pants and shorts. Be ready for outdoor adventures with sturdy walking shoes suitable for trails and city streets alike.

Rainy Days and Cool Evenings

New Zealand’s weather can be a bit unpredictable, so it’s always wise to pack rain jackets for those occasional showers. Additionally, a warm, waterproof jacket for cool evenings and mountain exploration is a valuable addition.

Footwear for Adventure

New Zealand’s diverse terrain is an open invitation to explore. Whether you’re strolling through lush forests, hiking mountain trails, or wandering the city streets, a comfortable and sturdy pair of walking shoes is a must. Ensure they’re well broken in before your trip to avoid blisters and discomfort.

With New Zealand’s ever-changing weather, being prepared with a variety of clothing options ensures that you and your family can fully enjoy the beauty of the country, whatever the season.

2. Sun Protection: Guard Against the Kiwi Sun

The Kiwi sun can be intense, so make sure to pack essential sun protection items like sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and UV-protective clothing for the whole family. This will help you enjoy New Zealand’s stunning scenery without worrying about sunburn.


Sunscreen is your first line of defence against the strong New Zealand sun. Ensure you pack a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF rating. Apply it generously to exposed skin, and don’t forget those often-overlooked areas like ears, neck, and the tops of feet.

Wide-Brimmed Hats

Stylish and practical, wide-brimmed hats are an essential part of your sun protection gear. They not only shield your face and neck from the sun but also help keep you cool during warm days. Look for hats that provide ample shade for the whole family.


Protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays is just as important as protecting your skin. Make sure each family member has a pair of high-quality sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays. This not only safeguards your vision but also reduces the risk of eye damage.

UV-Protective Clothing

UV-protective clothing is a smart choice, especially for children. Many brands offer clothing designed to shield you from the sun while keeping you cool and comfortable. Look for items with UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) ratings for added assurance.

Sun-Ready Attire

Dressing in light, breathable clothing that covers your arms and legs can also offer extra sun protection. Long-sleeved shirts and pants made from lightweight, sun-blocking fabrics are ideal, especially during peak sunlight hours.

3. Insect Repellent: Warding Off Unwanted Guests

New Zealand’s pristine nature sometimes comes with a few insects including sandflies and mosquitoes. Stay comfortable during outdoor adventures by packing insect repellent to keep the bugs at bay. Applying insect repellent on exposed skin, especially in the early morning or late afternoon when insects are more active, will help keep those nuisances at bay. Don’t forget to cover those often overlooked areas, like the back of your neck and ankles.

5. First Aid Kit: Your Safety Net on the Road

In the spirit of adventure, your family’s safety always comes first. A well-prepared first aid kit is an essential companion for your New Zealand journey, ensuring you have a safety net for any unexpected situations. Here’s what you should include in your family’s first aid kit:

Band-Aids and Dressings

Band-Aids are the first line of defense for minor cuts and scrapes. Stock your kit with a variety of sizes to cater to different needs. Add sterile dressings for larger wounds that may require more attention.

Antiseptic Wipes and Ointments

Keeping wounds clean is crucial for preventing infection. Antiseptic wipes and ointments are vital for disinfecting and treating minor injuries.

Pain Relievers

Headaches, muscle aches, and minor pains can strike at any time. Having pain relievers on hand can provide quick relief for both kids and adults.

Specific Medications

If any family members have specific medical conditions or require prescription medications, ensure you pack an adequate supply. It’s also wise to carry a written list of any allergies or medical conditions, just in case.

To add an extra layer of convenience, you can purchase a ready-made first aid kit at a local New Zealand pharmacy or chemist if you happen to forget to pack one. These kits are readily available and come in varying sizes, suitable for different needs.

A well-stocked first aid kit is not just a safety measure but a peace of mind, ensuring that minor mishaps don’t derail your family’s adventure.

6. Family-Friendly Entertainment

Long flights or car rides can be a challenge with kids. Pack their favourite books, toys, and electronic devices with headphones to keep them entertained during travel. Happy kids make for a happy journey.

7. Snacks on the Go: Keep Hungry Tummies at Bay

We all know that hungry kids can turn a peaceful family trip into a less-than-pleasant experience. That’s where the magic of snacks on the go comes into play. New Zealand’s stunning landscapes may lead you to places where restaurants and cafes are scarce, making it crucial to have a stash of kid-friendly snacks at the ready.

Trail Mix

A mix of nuts, dried fruits, and a touch of chocolate offers a satisfying blend of energy and flavour. It’s a compact and non-perishable snack that’s perfect for hiking and day trips.

Granola Bars

Granola bars come in various flavours and are a convenient, mess-free option that kids love. They provide a quick energy boost and can be a lifesaver when you’re on the move.

Fresh Fruit

While some fruits are delicate and bruise easily, sturdier options like apples, pears, and bananas are excellent choices for on-the-go snacking. They provide natural sweetness and refreshment.

Crackers and Cheese

Portable and tasty, a pack of crackers and some cheese slices can keep hunger at bay. It’s a snack that both kids and adults can enjoy.

Yoghurt Cups

If you have a cooler or access to refrigeration, yogurt cups are a nutritious and satisfying snack. They’re available in various flavors and are a great source of energy.

8. Baby Travel Gear

If you’re traveling with a baby, don’t forget essential baby gear like a stroller, baby carrier, and baby food. Most places in New Zealand are family-friendly, but being prepared makes your journey smoother.


A sturdy and lightweight stroller is a must-have for navigating various terrains. Whether you’re exploring city streets, walking through parks, or taking scenic strolls on a gravel trail, a reliable stroller provides comfort and convenience for both you and your little one. Look for models that are easy to fold and transport, have wheels for unsmooth paths making them ideal for on-the-go families.

Baby Carrier

While a stroller is handy, a baby carrier can be a game-changer for exploring places that may not be stroller-friendly. New Zealand’s beautiful nature trails, for example, might require a bit of off-road trekking, where a baby carrier allows you to explore with your child safely nestled against you. Opt for a carrier that provides adequate support and allows your baby to enjoy the sights and sounds of the great outdoors.

Car Seat

When it comes to traveling with your baby in New Zealand, one important decision to make is whether to hire a car seat locally or bring your own. Renting a car seat from local car rental companies offers convenience, particularly if you prefer to travel light. On the other hand, bringing your own car seat can provide the assurance of your baby’s familiarity and comfort, ensuring a consistent and safe experience, especially for longer journeys and exploration in remote areas. Both options have their merits, so choose the one that aligns best with your family’s specific needs and travel plans.

Baby Food

New Zealand is known for its fresh and diverse cuisine, but if your little one has specific dietary needs or preferences, it’s a good idea to pack some of their favourite baby food.  While you can find baby food in local supermarkets, having familiar options on hand can be reassuring, especially when you’re on the road or in more remote areas. But remember you will need to declare this at New Zealand Customs when you arrive and will need to be packaged and sealed not home made or fresh food.

9. Navigation Tools

Although New Zealand is relatively easy to navigate, having a GPS or a dependable offline map app can be a lifesaver, especially when exploring remote areas. It’s easy to get lost in New Zealand’s beauty.

10. Reusable Water Bottles

Stay hydrated during your adventures with reusable water bottles. Many places in New Zealand offer safe tap water, and it’s an eco-friendly choice. Carrying reusable water bottles not only keeps you and your family hydrated on your New Zealand adventures but also helps reduce plastic waste, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-conscious travel experience.

11. Camera and Binoculars

Don’t miss capturing the stunning landscapes and wildlife. Whether it’s the camera on your phone or a full-fledged camera, along with binoculars, they will enhance your New Zealand experience and help you create lasting memories.

12. Stay Adventurous

Last but not least, pack an open mind and a sense of adventure. New Zealand is full of surprises and opportunities for exploration. Embrace the unknown and create unforgettable family memories.

Now that you’re well-prepared with your essentials, you’re all set for a remarkable family trip to New Zealand. Get ready to be amazed by the stunning landscapes, friendly locals, and unforgettable experiences. Safe travels, and enjoy your Kiwi adventure!

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